Nepal Community Dog TNR Project 尼泊爾社區狗隻絕育計畫
Please read below our sharing of this years' work
1) 為309隻社區狗完成了絕育和瘋狗症防疫注射
今年,計劃為Lalitpaur這城市內的309隻社區狗完成了絕育和瘋狗症防疫注射,比去年計劃完成的狗隻數目增加了百分之五十。 更叫我們高興的是當中以狗女為主,共有212隻雌性(97隻為雄性),這在控制狗隻數目而言更為有效。
1)309 Community Dogs Sterilised and Vaccinated against Rabies
This year, we successfully completed sterilisation surgeries and rabies vaccination for 309 community dogs in the city of Lalitpaur, which is an increase of 50% over the number of dogs we operated on last year. What makes us even happier is that they were mostly female dogs totalling 212 females (97 were males), which is more effective in terms of controlling the number of dogs.
雖然尼泊爾人普遍對社區狗友善,但當狗隻生病或受傷時,因著欠缺知識和資源,他們往往未能加以救助,因此,社區狗並不會像我們家中的寵物犬那麼幸運,往往不會獲得治療。這也再一次說明為何推行TNR是治本的手法。今年,在兩星期的絕育計劃期間,我們共處理了4個狗女的性病腫瘤 (TVT), 2個子宮蓄膿(Pyometra)以及一1個幼犬大腿骨折的個案。我們慶幸及時找到牠們並作出適當治療,這可說是我們在進行 TNR 計劃的同時的小小 ‘bonus’.
2) Saved our furry friends’ lives in time
Although Nepalese are generally friendly to community dogs, when dogs are sick or injured, they often failed to rescue and treat them because of lack of knowledge and resources. Community dogs are not as lucky as our pets at home, and often do not get any treatments. This illustrates the importance of using TNR to target the original source of the problem. During the two-week sterilisation program this year, we treated 4 female dogs with Transmissible Veneral Tumor (TVT), 2 female dogs with Pyometra, and 1 puppy with broken thigh bone. We are so glad that we found them in time and provided appropriate treatments. This was a small ‘bonus’ for us while we were delivering the TNR program.
以「絕育」的方法人道地管理狗隻數量固然是這介入方法的核心元素,但往往「捕捉和放回」這兩個步驟沒有得到相等的重視。「誰家的毛孩」計劃其中一個主要特點就是堅持在整個過程都是以最人道的方式進行,因此我們革命性地由去年開始引入了使用捕狗籠的捕捉方法,大大減低狗隻在捕捉過程中所承受的壓力。而為了狗隻在運送和被照顧期間的安全和舒適,義工們不辭勞苦,從香港攜帶了數十個堅固的獨立狗籠前往尼泊爾,這涉及數百公斤的貨物, 絕對是一次不容易處理的物流任務,這正反映了我們堅持以最人道的方式推行TNR計劃這信念的決心。我們深信,縱使是在發展中的國家,我們仍可推行高質素的TNR計劃。
3) Pursue the most humane methods of catching and transportation
Neutering procedure is no doubt the core element of humane dog population management through the Trap-Neuter-Return program. However, the other two elements of ‘catching and returning’ aren’t often got enough emphasis as is neutering. One of the main uniqueness of the Home Street Home Project is that we pursue the most humane handling throughout the whole process. Because of that, we have revolutionised the way of catching in Nepal by introducing an animal trap since last year’s program, which greatly reduces the stress put on the dogs during the catching process. In addition, for the safety and comfort of the dogs in transportation and our care, our volunteers carried dozens of sturdy individual dog cages from Hong Kong to Nepal, which accounted for hundreds of kilograms of luggage to take overseas. It was a rather complicated logistical task that showed our determination to adhere to our goal to run the TNR program in the most humane manner. We are also convinced that even in developing countries, we can deliver high-quality TNR programs.
在香港最活躍推行TNR 的機構動物朋友今年繼續支持尼泊爾的狗隻絕育計劃。兩位創辦人Jessie Ng 及 Phoebe Lo, 親力親為,遠赴尼泊爾落手落腳參與計劃。從她們身上,義工們及當地機構學習了很多較人道的方法去捕捉及處理狗隻的技巧,叫大家大開眼界。在此,我們同時嗚謝動物朋友捐助大量獨立狗籠以及部份藥品。
Hong Kong's most active organisation in running TNR programs Animal Friends continued to support the dog sterilisation program in Nepal this year. Their two founders, Jessie Ng and Phoebe Lo, flew to Nepal and got their hands dirty with other volunnteers together. From them, volunteers and the local organisation have learned a lot of techniques how to catch and handle dogs in much more humane ways, which opened our eyes. Here, we also would like to say thank you to Animal Friends for donating a large number of inividual dog cages and some medical consumables.
4) Hong Kong organisation Animal Friends continued to support
回想在 2017年,慶幸有兩位香港青年在看報導後專誠飛往尼泊爾協助我們在當地的第一次絕育計劃。至去年,我們的團隊增長至10名義工(包括計劃發起人)。而今年,參與義工人數繼續增長,共有9位獸醫專業背景以及8位非獸醫專業背景的義工參與。沒有了他們的無私奉獻,我們是無法取得今年的成果。話雖如此,縱使有十多人的團隊, 在兩星期內捕捉、絕育並放回300頭社區狗絕不輕鬆。我們希望我們的團隊於未來繼續壯大,如果你是動物愛好者,又或希望體驗一次另類的旅行方式,我們在此誠邀你加入我們的團隊,請按此填寫義工申請表格,我們會很快與你聯絡。
5) The number of volunteers has reached a new high
Recall that in 2017, we were fortunate enough to have two young men from Hong Kong to assist us in our first TNR program. They flew to Nepal after hearing about our program from the media. Till last year, our team grew to 10 volunteers (including the project founder). This year, the number of participating volunteers continued to grow. A total of 9 volunteers from a veterinary professional background and 8 from non-veterinary professional background participated in this year’s program. Without their selfless dedications, we would not be able to achieve this year's outcome. Having said that, even with a team of more than 10 people, it was still a very demanding task to catch, neuter and return 300 community dogs in two weeks’ time. In the future, we hope that our team will continue to grow stronger. We sincerely invite you to join our team if you are an animal lover and would like to experience a unique way of traveling. Please click here to fill out the Volunteer Application Form and we will be in touch with you soon.
You Can Make a Difference
309 dogs - 2019
203 dogs - 2018
66 dogs - 2017
What we have achieved
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