創辦人- 張邨文
Founder - Chang Chuen Man
計劃創辦人張邨文在香港這個大都會的草根階層成長;曾當過多年青少年外展社工。2008年他放下香港安逸的生命,前往澳洲完成輔導碩士課程,並於畢業後在澳洲紅十字會為尋求政治庇護人士服務。澳洲的生活環境漸漸喚醒他內心對環境保護及動物福利的熱忱。為了與更多人分享有關訊,他設立了Wild Connections 的網頁以照片作為分享的媒介,宣揚人與大自然及動物的連繫,並鼓勵大家勇於追求自己的夢想。
同年,他在尼泊爾遇上他人生第一次的地震 。他順應生命為他所安排的,在這美麗的喜馬拉雅山脈下的小國,為地震生還者和社區狗開展了不同的計劃。您可以從下面的連結中找到由他創辦的另外兩個計劃。這些計劃的成果是他在尼泊爾成功開展人道工作的最佳證明。
Chuen Man, the founder of HSH Project, grew up in the metropolitan city of Hong Kong and had been a youth outreach social worker for many years. Nevertheless, he let go his comfortable life in Hong Kong in 2008 for pursuing his Master Degree in counseling in Australia. After graduation, he worked with asylum seekers in Australian Red Cross.
The natural environment of Australia gradually awakened his passion about environmental protection and animal welfare. In order to share the messages with more people, he set up the website Wild Connections in 2015 to promote the connection between humans and nature, and animals through photography. It also aims at encouraging people to pursue their dreams bravely.
In the same year, he experienced his first earthquake in Nepal. He rode with what life threw to him and has carried out different projects for both earthquake survivors and community dogs in this beautiful Himalayan country. You can check out the other two projects that he founded from the links below. The outcomes achieved in these projects are the best testimonial of his selfless humanitarin work in Nepal.
Shelters Up Nepal
Hand-in-Hand with the “Untouchables”: Rebuilding Project for Dalit Family in Nepal