關於捕捉、絕育、放回 About TNR
每一隻只需 $30 美金 Only $30 USD each dog
「捕捉、絕育、放回」計劃 (英文簡稱:TNR) 是最為人道和有效管理流浪動物數量的方法。
「捕捉、絕育、放回」(TNR) 這概念源於50年代的英國,當時主要是應用在控制流浪貓的數量。在美國,大約於60年代末70年代初開始。而香港的保護動物協會於2000年成立了貓隻領域護理計劃 (Cat Colony Care Programme)。而「動物朋友」可說是在香港推行流浪動物 TNR計劃站在最前線的機構。當大量研究都顯示 TNR對控制流浪貓的數量具有成效時,順理成章,TNR亦於後期在不同國家及地區被應用在控制流浪狗的數目。
在TNR 這理念未被倡議及推行之前,甚至直到現在仍有國家採用殘忍而且並不能帶來長遠效果的大量撲殺方法 (culling),試圖控制流浪狗的數量。已經有很多報告指出大量撲殺方法的弊端,包括有飼主及已接受瘋狗症防疫注射的狗隻也會不被識別地撲殺;而且造成「真空」效應,外來狗隻迅速進佔狗隻被取締的地域等等。
"Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program is the most humane and effective way to manage the number of stray animals. "
As the name suggests, TNR program is to capture stray animals for sterilisation and return them to their places of origin at the end. The number of animals in the colony can therefore be stabilised. The animals will be healthier after surgery. Vaccination such as rabbies is often an incorporated element of TNR programs. The reproduction rate of cats and dogs is very high. To sterilise a community dog means that thousands of lives are not subject to unnecessary suffering.
The concept of TNR originated from the United Kingdom in the 1950s when it was mainly used to control the number of stray cats. In the United States, it began in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In 2000, the SPCA Hong Kong established the Cat Colony Care Programme. Animal Friends is probably the leading organisation in implementing TNR programs on the ground in Hong Kong. When a large number of studies have shown that the TNR is effective in controlling the number of stray cats, the approach was extended to use in controlling the number of stray dogs in different countries and regions.
Before the concept of TNR was initiated and implemented, even till now, there are still countries adopting cruel methods of culling that do not bring about long-term effects but futile attempt to control the number of stray dogs. Many studies have already pointed out the drawbacks of culling method, including that owned dogs and dogs who had received rabies vaccination were killed indiscriminately. It will also create a "vacuum" effect that the foreign dogs will quickly move in the territory where the dogs have been removed.
In Hong Kong, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and two animal organisations had started a three-year pilot TNR program for stray dogs in 2015 and released its report in 2018. We have reservations about the effectiveness criteria held by the government. We also believe that there is still much room for improvement in the government's policy of promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and animals. For those who are interested, you can check out the post I have writen on our Facebook page for this matter.