How our project started?
我們的計劃可追溯至2015年我在尼泊爾遇上7.8級地震的故事開始。在參與震後的救災工作的同時,我眼見當地社區狗的各種困境,從那時起我便與牠們結下了不解之緣。起初,我以個人之力,拯救和醫治傷病的個別狗隻,但很快我便意識到問題的嚴重性。據估計,單單在加德滿都和拉利布爾兩個城市已有22,000隻在社區裡生活和自由地走動的狗隻。為了改善這情況,需要一個有效的介入方法。這就是為什麼我建立了「誰家的毛孩」:尼泊爾社區狗計劃,使用「捕捉、絕育、放回」(TNR) 的手法,人道地管理狗隻的數量。
透過一年多的時間接觸當地的社區狗隻和與各動物機構聯繫,在2017年我們在尼泊爾舉辦了我們首個 TNR 計劃,在加德滿都Chuchepati一個震後營裡,為66隻社區狗完成了絕育手術和注射瘋狗症疫苗。而在2018年,我們的計劃首次有香港的獸醫專業團隊參與,並取得空前的成功。我們在加德滿都以外的地區Palanchok Bagawati Temple 及Panauti,成功為203隻社區狗進行了絕育和注射瘋狗症疫苗。
我們的未來方向是繼續與當地動物機構合作,推行大型「捕捉、絕育、放回」(TNR) 計劃,並透過海外獸醫專業團隊及義工的參與,改善資源和計劃質素,以達致人道地管理社區狗隻數量的目標。
Our story started from my experience of the magnitude-7.8 earthquake in Nepal dated back to 2015. While participating in the relief work after the earthquake, I saw all kinds of predicaments in the local community dogs. Since then, I have formed a strong bonding with Nepalese community dogs. I began rescuing and treating the sick and injured dogs one by one before soon realising the sheer magnitude of the problem at hand. It was estimated that there were 22,000 free roaming dogs just in Kathmandu and Lalitpur in Nepal. In order to make a difference to the circumstances called for a more effective intervention. That’s why I established Home Street Home: Nepal Community Dog Project, focusing on using Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Program as a humane dog population management approach.
After working with the local community dogs and liaising with various animal organisations for over a year, we held our first TNR program in Nepal in 2017. At a post-earthquake camp in Chuchepati of Kathmandu, a total of 66 community dogs completed the sterilisation and rabies vaccination in our program. In 2018, we went beyond! For the first time, Hong Kong veterinary professionals got involved in TNR programs in Nepal and achieved unprecedented success. We successfully neutered and vaccinated 203 community dogs against rabies in Palanchok Bagawati Temple and Panauti outside Kathmandu.
Our future direction is to continue to collaborate with local animal organisations to implement large-scale TNR programs. At the same time, to improve the resources and quality of the programs through the participation of overseas veterinary professionals and volunteers in order to achieve our goal of humane dog population management.
Yours Sincerely,
Chuen Man Chang
Founder of Home Street Home: Nepal Community Dog Project