為何 TNR? Why TNR?

"Rabies still kills about two hundred people
in Nepal every year"
It was estimated that there were 22,000 free roaming dogs living in just Kathmandu and Latlipur in Nepal alone. Apart from the perspective of animal welfare, the issue of the overpopulation of community dogs is also the scope of public health. This includes hygience and noise nuisance in the neighbourhood. However, the mostly concerned issue is the infection of rabies in both humans and livestock caused by dog bites. Unfortunately, children are the most vulunerable group on this issue. It is estimated that rabies still kills about 200 people in Nepal every year.

Overpopulation of community dogs leads to human-canine tension
當人與狗隻之間的關係變得緊張時,不人道的方法有時會被使用來控制狗隻的數目,然而,這些方法往往不能帶來長遠的成效,而且給動物帶來極大的痛苦。在2017年12月, 當我們進行TNR地點的考察時,當地人很高興聽到有關TNR的計劃,因為他們剛剛在我們抵達之前制止了一次對當地的社區狗的撲殺。TNR計劃正好為當地的社區在管理狗隻數目的問題上提供了一個另類方案 ,以倡議動物福利為本的原則處理狗群數量過剩的問題。
When the relationship between humans and dogs becomes tense due to overpopulation, inhuman methods were used to control the number of dogs at times. However, those methods often do not bring long-term results, but inflicting great suffering on the animals. In December 2017, when we visited a site of our planned TNR program, the locals were very excited to hear about our plan because they had just stopped a cull against the local community dogs before our arrival. TNR program provides an alternative solution for the local community to managing dog pouplation. It advocates animal welfare principles and long term strategy.